Does My Diet Affect My Skin
29 September 2021

Does My Diet Affect My Skin?

Does my diet affect my skin is a commonly used expression for those who are looking for the reasons why their skin is not quite as it should be.

It’s the holiday season and the last thing we want to think of, is dieting (especially with your grandmother’s famous Turkey / Goose Roast). Using this time to also focus on our skincare needs, we’re able to diet our way to better skin without having to sacrifice all of our favourite foods. Food plays a huge roll in the appearance of our skin and cutting out a few corporates and replacing them with beneficial ones can lead to younger, brighter skin.


Those suffering from Rosacea and Thread Veins, Psoriasis and Acne skin will almost all notice that when they tend to eat dairy products their dermatitis seems to become irritated causing acne to appear and rashes to worsen. Try replacing dairy with almond milk products including your favourite flavour ice cream and that delicious creamy oat Latte. You’ll still have that yummy taste but this time with clearer, smoother skin.


Whether you suffer from poor skin or just want to make sure you skin stays healthy and clear, you may need to limit your daily amount of sugar. Realistically, it’s difficult to cut out all sugars, but just monitoring your intake and being aware of all those hidden sugars in drinks, mints and gums can help avoid irritation and other skin conditions. Sugar causes candida overgrowth which ends up manifesting on the skin as well as in your gut.

, BeauSynergy


When we are asked ” does my diet affect my skin?”, one of the first things we discuss is alcohol. Well most of us look forward to a tasty holiday drink but drinking frequently can cause your skin to swell becoming irritated all while losing its glow. Cutting beer as well as some of your other favourite alcoholic drinks may be tough to do but consuming too much may not only affect your health but your skin as well. Alcohol in large amounts over time, will begin to break down the body’s antioxidants. If you’re going to drink then opt for a nice red wine which has many health benefits including lowering the risk of heart disease.

, BeauSynergy


Those affected by Psoriasis need to include in their diets more:

  • They detoxify, alkalize and give you energy
  • Fights chronic inflammation
  • Omega 3. Not only is it great for your skin but it also is another fighter of inflammation
  • Olive oil
  • Whole Grains

Those affected should avoid:

  • Beer
  • Fried Food
  • White Pastas
  • White Bread
  • Processed Flour


Rosacea is a common skin condition that typically shows up int your 20’s and unfortunately gets worse in your 30’s and 40’s. Making some changes in your diet can help your skin feel fresh and hydrated:

  • Clean Proteins. Salmon is a great source of clean protein
  • Healthy Fats. Avocado oil, olive oil and very popular coconut oil is great for your body and skin care needs. Another benefit of healthy fats? This type of good fat may help reduce an inflamed gut as well.

Atopic dermatitis gets aggravated when you include these items in your diet:

  • Fried Foods, Trans Fat
  • Dairy Products
  • Sugar and Processed Food
  • Alcohol and Caffeine


  • Almonds
  • You can help repair your skin with the Beta-Carotene which repairs your skin cells
  • Green Tea. Not only is it great for clear skin but it works as a fat burner as well.
  • Whole Grains
  • Fatty Acids

If you want clear skin, you’re going to have to avoid:

  • Dairy
  • High Glycemic Foods
  • Sugars
  • Caffeine
  • Gluten


With permission from your doctor, many find relief once they’ve noticed clearer, brighter skin after gluten has been removed from their diet. Having a gluten intolerance or allergy, causes swelling and irritation which will cause rashes, eczema and acne to appear or worsen. Avoiding gluten can improve one’s digestive function and will enhance nutrient absorption and so a good diet will affect your skin in a positive way.

Just like when working out you won’t visibly see results overnight. Consistency is key to achieving any results whether fitting in those favourite pair of jeans or creating smooth and supple skin. In order to achieve glowing skin, you’ll not only have to follow a proper daily skin care regimen, but you need to be aware of what ingredients you’re putting into your body. Your skin may not look younger or brighter overnight but with the proper steps taken, you will find yourself on the road to radiant, healthier looking skin in no time!

Do speak to BeauSynergy Skin Clinic, if you would like more advice on nutrition and general skincare. BeauSynergy offer a full in-depth skin analysis and consultations. Just click the link here.

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